
Showing posts from August, 2007

Universal Universe

Singularities do exist and the universe is proof. The word singularities, however is a paradox and misleading. A singularity implies that only one can exist otherwise plurality may be a more proper term. More than one singulrity may denote another term but the essence of a lone singularity must encompass everything that exists which includes the known and the unknown. The universe is a term that is used to describe all that exists and we acknowledge that the human race does not have knowledge of a great deal that exists inside of it. This singular universe is also a pardox because a single universe implies that there is only one of them that can be defined by a beginning and an end. A universe that has an end or a beginning would also imply that there had to be a start and possibly a finish to that universe. A universe with a start, a beginning, an end or a finish is illogical to the human mind but that does not mean it can not exist. It is logical that a universe must exist a