Universal Universe

Singularities do exist and the universe is proof. The word singularities, however is a paradox and misleading. A singularity implies that only one can exist otherwise plurality may be a more proper term. More than one singulrity may denote another term but the essence of a lone singularity must encompass everything that exists which includes the known and the unknown.
The universe is a term that is used to describe all that exists and we acknowledge that the human race does not have knowledge of a great deal that exists inside of it. This singular universe is also a pardox because a single universe implies that there is only one of them that can be defined by a beginning and an end. A universe that has an end or a beginning would also imply that there had to be a start and possibly a finish to that universe.
A universe with a start, a beginning, an end or a finish is illogical to the human mind but that does not mean it can not exist. It is logical that a universe must exist as a singularity to define its own actual existence. The universe can not be comprehended by leaving anything out if it is truly able to be comprehended at all.
Singularities describe parts of a singular universe that we all exist in. One spoon is singular and two sspoons may be caled singularities but they are still part of a singular universe. Planets, galaxies, grains of sand, buttons, trees etc. May have sigular qualities with definitions of beginnings and ends but there is no denying that they occupy space in a singular universe. This singular universe can be described as having multiple proven dimensions that have existence inside of a universal universe that encomppasses all. All that is known , unknown and anyhtiing else that exists outside the realm of human description.
The plural of sigularity is non existent in everything that we know. A tree on Earth does not exist without soil and water and sun. Soil does not exist without the planet, water does not exist without the right conditions and the sun could not exist without a galaxy. This list could infinitely continue and the full culmination of this equation would equal that existence could not be without the universe and the universe could not exist without existence. The idea of existence itself leaves room for a higher power which may not be proven but even a singularity does not need to be proven to exist and the existence may or may not require a universe to exist but that is a another question.
Another question that will also reside in the universal universe is the general question of are we alone? The answer is yes and no. The result will depend on your own outlook. The universal universe must be alone and completely singular to truly be universal. Yet a croiwded room does not bring the term singulrity to mind however all crowded rooms possess a common factor just like the universe. Everything in the universe exists from thought to Tupperware to comets or light.
Existence is not meant to be undertstood because understanding implies limits on something that can not be limitted because a universal universe can not exist with limits it must be infinite. We are part of that universe. Definitions will not have power over over the universe. Definitions help humans describe their world but they can not have ultimate power in the universe. Therefore ultimate power in the universe is beyond definition.
Clearly we are part of that universe. We occupy space and time while absorbing information. We make unknown markings that may or may not influence a predetermined or undetermined future. This future along with the past and the present exists in the universe. A true measurement of impact that a singularity can make in this universe can not be measured without full awareness of time. An existence is as full as needs to be and it can be sid that it is more full and less full and be correct as well as incorrect. The ceratinty that all we know is that we don’t know nothing” because how can we know that if nothing is known nothing becomes knowledge and ceases to be nothing. We can not know what can not exist it is undefefineable but by admitting the unknown we give existence to something that might not be. The unknown exists with the known and clear truth lies in the statemnent that , “the possibilities are endless.”

A wise man once said that “we are very small but we are profoundly capable of very big things.”


Unknown said…
Mike, congrats on the new blog! I'll be stopping by again! Keep writing.

Mike Matter said…
Thanks for the encouragement
Mike Matter said…
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Unknown said…
Great work, I do believe you have come up with a definition for the undefined.

Frank L. Davis
Mike Matter said…
Thanks, I am proud to have a part in the universe where my definitions will continue to evolve.

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